The livestream of Sunday's talks is at this URL. Join us and watch the speakers, and comment on Twitter with the hashtag #WWJC or #JailbreakCon!
JailbreakCon will be on June 20-21 in a wonderful historic building at 435 Broadway Street in San Francisco, near downtown and lots of interesting places to visit. Tickets for the whole event are $40 for adults and $15 for people under 18, and they include a light lunch for both days. People of all ages are invited; especially if you're a younger jailbreaker, you're welcome to bring a parent or friend. From people just curious about iOS jailbreaking to people who have had their iPhones jailbroken for years, you are all welcome.
We'll have doors open at 9:30 am, start at 10 am, and end by 5:30 pm on both days, with time on Saturday evening for working on projects and hanging out together. We'll be announcing more details as we go along — please follow @JailbreakCon for news.
If you've purchased a ticket and you're wondering what we'll check at the door, don't worry about bringing proof of your ticket; your name is on our list.
JailbreakCon is a weekend of learning more about iOS jailbreaking and meeting both old and new friends in real life. It has workshops, presentations, and plenty of time to talk to fellow jailbreakers, including favorite tweak developers, theme designers, and jailbreak developers.
You will learn a ton of new things, you will meet great people from around the world, and you will leave with a better understanding of the jailbreaking community and how it works.
We intend to have a livestream of Sunday's talks available for people who can't be here in person; check back here during the conference for a link. But the workshops and social events can't be livestreamed, so attend if you can!
Mini-talks will include Clevrpwn, David Goldman, Dylan Laws (Haifisch), Justin Wack (s33wack), Melissa Archer, William Vabrinskas, and a special short video. Other developers and designers planning to attend include Filippo Bigarella, Thientam Bach (Surenix), and Joshua Hill (p0sixninja).
On Sunday we'll have longer talks that dive deep into topics about tweak development, theme design, the jailbreaking community, and more. This will also have plenty of time for lunch at the venue with fellow attendees.
We've posted talk videos from 2014 on the JailbreakCon YouTube channel: most of Sunday's talks are available in this video playlist, and most of Saturday's mini-talks are available in this video playlist.
There are also tons of archived videos, photos, and articles in the JailbreakCon link collection on TheiPhoneWiki.
Last year's talks included: Filippo Bigarella explained the challenges of building Springtomize, Ryan Petrich shared how to build successful products, Kevin Bradley (nitoTV) explained why the Apple TV 3 isn't jailbroken yet, Thientam Bach (Surenix) talked about his design work with saurik and announced a surprise new product, Cyril Cattiaux (pod2g) told stories from the old days of jailbreaking, and saurik talked about how to make education work for you.
A few selected articles about the experience of JailbreakCon:
San Francisco 2014: Jailbreak Community Members Explain Why They Wouldn't Miss It For The World (iDigitalTimes), and more coverage by Cammy Harbison.
New York 2013: CopyTrans wrote down what they learned from the speakers.
San Francisco 2012: iJailbreak posted notes on the talks, with photos, and iDownloadBlog told "the tale of my three days at the epicenter of the jailbreak community". Before the event, here was a video interview with the organizer.
London 2011: iDownloadBlog summarized the conference talks, and RedmondPie covered them too. Here's a video with interviews of people at the event.
JailbreakCon is dedicated to having a safe and friendly conference for everyone, of any gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants (for example insulting attendees or organizers offline or online during the conference), and anyone violating this rule may be expelled from the conference. Harassment of future participants before the conference may cause us to refund your ticket and ban you from attending. Please talk to a conference organizer (such as Britta, Jay, or Craig) if you run into any problems during the conference, so that we can help you. Feel free to email us if you have concerns before the conference. Thanks!
We'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. JailbreakCon is run by SaurikIT and Craig Fox, with funding from SaurikIT.
Email: or use the form below.
Twitter: @JailbreakCon
Facebook: JailbreakCon
YouTube: JailbreakCon
Jay Freeman (saurik) chatting with attendees about Cydia
Ryan Petrich and Nikias Bassen (pimskeks) presenting
"Really, @JailbreakCon makes you understand what being part of this community really means. It’s amazing!" @FilippoBiga
"@JailbreakCon was awesome this year. Talking with and meeting everyone is an experience you can get nowhere else." @conradev
"To all at @JailbreakCon: soak it up! Learn, teach, build relationships. It was one of the best times of my life." @JoshMTucker
"incredible incredible incredible day of meeting, talking, and working at #WWJC. wouldn’t have traded it for anything." @insanj
"@rpetrich teaching #wwjc about integrating his tweaks! Super simple, very informative." @william_vab
"Met the legendary @saurik at #wwjc" @twodayslate
"Good meeting @Surenix, @saurik, @rpetrich and @brittagus. I owe so much to these guys. Very humbling day at #WWJC" @J_W97
"Thank you guys, @JailbreakCon has been amazing, definitely worth an 8 hour flight!" @LucaTNT
Aaron Ash (charybdis) and other developers hard at work
saurik's talk at JailbreakCon 2012
The scene at JailbreakCon 2011
Learning from pimskeks about how evasi0n works
WWJC and Greenpois0n cookies by Shznakl in 2013
People talking to each other during a break
Steven De Franco (iH8sn0w) on stage